Norðulandameistarmótinu í Júdó sem átti að fara fram 24-25 apríl hefur verið frestað. Ástæðan er sú að Covid-19 veirufaraldurinn er enn slæmur á Norðurlöndum og ferðalög mjög erfið og miklar takmarkanir þeim tengdum. Ákvörðunin var tekin af formönnum Júdósambanda Norðulandanna í sameiningu. Stefnt er að því að halda næsta Norðulandameistaramót á Íslandi í september 2021. Nákvæm dagsetning mun verða tilkynnt fljótlega.


The Judo Nordic Championships which was to be held 24th-25th of April in Reykjavík, Iceland has been postponed yet again. The reason being that the Covid-19 pandemic is still quite prominent in Nordic Countries and travel restrictions are very strict. The decision to postpone the tournament was made by the presidents of the all the Judo Federations of the Nordic Countries in unison. Also it was agreed upon that the next Judo Nordic Championship will be held in Reykjavik, Iceland in September, 2021. Details on exact date will be announced soon.